Pinecoon Maine Coon Cats
Healthy, Loving Maine Coon Cats -- Regional & International Award Winners

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 Meet Our Cats: International Winners: Ripple

IW SGCA Pinecoon's Rolling Thunder of CascadeMtn "Ripple"

Ripple is a brown classic tabby neutered male. He was 9th Best International Alter for the 2004-2005 show year.

Ripple belongs to Blair and Susan Milburn of CascadeMtn Maine Coons. Many thanks to Blair and Susan for showing Ripple so beautifully!


Ripple is a large cat, long-bodied and heavily boned, with lovely tabby pattern and a great show temperament. (We particularly like his large ears and open expression.)

Ripple is a very friendly, easygoing cat with a gentle, affectionate personality. He really enjoys people, no matter where he is. To quote his owner, Susan, "He really enjoyed his time in the show hall, often greeting the judges with head bumps while purring through the day. At home, his favorite game is "fetch the mouse".  He carries his toy mouse around the house, and wherever we may be (he likes to begin this game at 5 a.m. when we are still trying to sleep) he drops the mouse and waits expectantly for us to throw it across the room. He quickly runs to find it, and the game begins again."



Birthdate: 6/6/03

Sire: RW SGC Mysticoon Thunderpaws of Pinecoon ("Rumble")

Dam: RW QGC Pinecoon's Eowyn



For the 2004-2005 Show Season:

  • TICA's Best International Maine Coon Alter
  • Best Maine Coon Alter- TICA Northwest Region
  • TICA's 9th Best International Alter
  • TICA Northwest Region's 3rd Best Alter


Here is Ripple at 6 weeks of age:

For more baby pictures of Ripple and his littermates, click here.