Pinecoon Maine Coon Cats
Healthy, Loving Maine Coon Cats -- Regional & International Award Winners

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Pedigree for SGC Samnkats Masquerade of Pinecoon -- black female

Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
Sire: SGC, OS Coonyham Navarro, NW
Color: Brown Classic Tabby
Breeder: Laura & Sharon Cunningham
Owner: Laura & Sharon Cunningham
SGC/GC MtKittery Carbonero of Emlu
SGC/GC MtKittery Penobscot
Blue Classic Tabby
SGC MtKittery Macwahoc
Brown Mackerel Tabby
SGC Heidi Ho Aurora of MtKittery
Brown Classic Tabby
SGC Kiskata Quoddy of MtKittery
Brown Mackerel Tabby
GC Mainstay's Kenworth of Kiskata
Brown Mackerel Tabby
CH Kiskata's Cassine Wilson
Brown Mackerel Tabby
SGC Coonyham Santana
Brown Classic Tabby
SGC Ryanplace K Mart Special
Blue Classic Tabby
SGC Ryanplace Horatio
Blue Classic Tabby
QGC Cowtown's Lyda Blue of Ryanplace
Blue Classic Torbie
OD, SGC St. Clouds Cheyenne of Coonyham
Brown Classic Tabby
OS, SGC Willowplace Starbuck
Brown Classic Tabby
CH St. Clouds Burnt Sugar
Brown Classic Tabby
Dam: CH St. Clouds Katydid Magic of Samnkats
Color: Black
Breeder: Nancy Davenport
Owner: Andrea Connell
Konacoons Kolohe Jr of f L'Enchantacat
Silver Mackerel Tabby
CH Marala Kolohe of Konacoons
Black Smoke
CH Marala Smokey the Bear
Black Smoke
CH Marala Black Velvet
Black Smoke
Tradewinds Lilinoe of Konacoons
Shaded Silver Mackerel Tabby
SGC/GC Purricoon Tom Sawyer of Tradewinds
Brown Mackerel Tabb
Oro Ojos Amy Lawrence of Tradewinds
Silver Mackerel Tabby
SGC St Clouds Gloria Mundi
Silver Classic Tabby
SGC Napa Valley Moonshine of St Clouds
Blue Silver Mackerel Tabby and White
CH Coonshine Hasta B Shasta
Silver Mackerel Tabby
CH Marala Sweet Sensation
Smoke Tortie
CH Lagunacoon Mocha Fudge Truffle
Brown Classic Tabby and White
Tanstaafl Bacchus of Sophisticats
Brown Classic Tabby
CH Pyramaine Doverfoxcroft
Blue Classic Tabby and White

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