Pinecoon Maine Coon Cats
Healthy, Loving Maine Coon Cats -- Regional & International Award Winners

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Pinecoon's "Sparkle"


Sparkle is Lina and Wills' daughter, a blue classic tabby female, born 7/26/01. 
In this photo, she is 3 1/2 months old.

Sparkle is a sweet baby, less outgoing than some of her siblings, but passionately affectionate when she can get you alone. (She doesn't really like to compete for toys or lap space with her more obnoxious siblings.) Sparkle gets along fine with all the other cats, but doesn't stand up for herself when competing for toys, attention, etc. She is fine with our kids, though she does make herself scarce when our seven-year old daughter Katie starts looking around for someone to dress up... 

Here is Sparkle when she was a baby, just four weeks old: