Pinecoon Maine Coon Cats
Healthy, Loving Maine Coon Cats -- Regional & International Award Winners

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Previous Litters: Gracie & Wonder's Litter

Gracie's fourth litter was born in March 2007. Their father is Wonder (IW SGC Windwalker Wonder). We named them after the Seven Wonders of the ancient world.

  • Babylon (after the Hanging Gardens of Babylon) - male
  • Zeus (after the Statue of Zeus) - male
  • Colossus (after the Colossus at Rhodes) - male
  • Maus (after the Mausoleum of Maussolos at Halicarnassus) - male
  • Artemis (after the Temple of Artemis at Epheseus) - female
  • Alexandria (after the Lighthouse of Alexandria) - female
  • Giza (after the Pyramids of Giza) - female

Our "Wonder-full" litter was born in early March 2007. Gracie had seven nearly identical brown tabbies:

Left to right, they are Maus (upper left corner), Colossus (lower left), Zeus, Artemis, Giza, Babylon, and Alexandria (lower right corner). They are pictured above at 12 weeks of age.

Here they all are at 8 weeks of age:

And here is (justifiably) proud mamma Gracie with her babies, about an hour after they were born: